Mathematician plans to compute the computer’s theorem

Mathematician plans to compute the computer’s theorem


Ferma’s theorem is a well -known theorem about numbers. For centuries, it has been plagued by the mathematical community.Now, mathematicians hope to develop a method of computer certification of Ferma.This is an ambitious, for several years, aiming to show the potential of computer -aided mathematics certificates.

Pierre de Fema Picture Source: Granger Historial Piction Archive/Alamy

French mathematician Pierre De Fema first proposed the Ferma’s theorem about the first time around 1640. When the integer N> 2, the equation XN+YN = Zn about X, Y, and Z did not have a positive integer solution.Fema wrote this reason in a book scribbled, and added a sentence: “I found a really great proof. Unfortunately

It was not until 1993 that Andrew White, at the University of Princeton University, announced his proof and caused a sensation in the mathematics community.This more than 100 pages of proof contains such advanced mathematics knowledge, so that his mathematics colleagues spent more than two years before verifying that it has no errors.

Many mathematicians hope that by translating proofs into computers readable languages to speed up the speed of inspection and final writing proof.This formal process allows computers to immediately find logical errors and may use these theorems as constructive blocks of other proofs.

However, the formalization of modern certification itself is tricky and time -consuming, because many of the modern mathematics they depend on have not yet realized machine -readable machines.For this reason, the formalization of Ferma’s theorem has always been considered out of reach.

“Lawrence Paulson, the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, said:” Just to prove it first, it is considered a laborious proof. “

Now, Kevin Buzzard of the British Empire Institute of Technology and colleagues announced the challenge.They tried to form Ferma’s theorem with a programming language called Lean.

“Ferma Dasher is meaningless. It has no applications in the real world, whether it is theoretically or practical.” Buzzard said, “But it is a very difficult and ‘infamous” problem.In order to solve this problem, people have a lot of wonderful new ideas. “

Buzzard hopes that by formalizing these ideas, including conventional mathematics tools in the theory, such as the model and the Garoov theory, other researchers will help other researchers that their jobs are far beyond the scope of computer auxiliary.

“Such projects may have far -reaching and unexpected benefits and results.” Su

It is proved that it will roughly follow Wold’s method and modify it slightly.The project will be launched in April and will provide a public blueprint on the Internet.In this way, anyone from Lean’s rapid growth community can contribute to part of the formalized proof.”10 years ago, this may take infinite time,” Buzzard said.